Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Interesting Chinese characters 手shǒu hand – 左zuǒ left – 右yòu right

We will learn 3 charcaters which are related to hand,
手shǒu hand – 左zuǒ left – 右yòu right
手shǒu means hand.
Please look at the oracle bone character. It looks like a hand.

Some words with手shǒu
  • 手工(shǒuɡōnɡ)handwork
  • 手球(shǒuqiú)handball
  • 手术(shǒushù)surgery

左zuǒ means left. It looks like a hand with a tool. Please have a look at the oracle bone character
Words with左zuǒ
  • 左手(zuǒshǒu)left hand
  • 左边(zuǒbiān)left side
  • 左拐(zuǒɡuǎi)turn left
右yòu means right. It is made of a hand and a mouth. It means the hand related to eating, so it got the meaning Right.
The oracle bone character
Words with右yòu
  • 右手(yòushǒu)right hand
  • 右边(yòubiān)right side
  • 右拐(yòuɡuǎi)turn right
The order of the characters

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Interesting Chinese characters cong3 from - bei3 north - bi3 compare

We will learn 3 charcaters which are related to people,
cónɡ from - běi north - bǐ compare

cónɡ means follow or from in Chinese.

Please look at the oracle bone character. It looks like a person is following another person.

Some words withcónɡ
     从小(cónɡxiǎofrom childhood
     从头(cónɡtóufrom the beginning

běi means north. It looks like two persons back to back, people will feel cold in this situation, and usually facing north is colder than south, so it got the meaning North.
the oracle bone character

Words withběi

     北方(běifānɡ)Northern part of

bǐ means Compare. It looks like two person are racing.
the oracle bone character
Words withbǐ

     比如(bǐrú for example

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Interesting Chinese characters 云yún cloud – 雨yǔ rain – 雪 xuě snow

We will learn 3 charcaters which are related to nature,
yún cloud – yǔ rain – xuě snow

yún means cloud in Chinese. Two lines above stand for airthe strokes below  show the shape of the cloud.

Please look at the oracle bone character

Some words with
báiyúnwhite snow

yǔ means rain. It looks like it is raining, please have a look.

Words with

xiàyǔ to rain
衣(yǔyī)   raincoat
伞(yǔsǎn umbrella

xuě means snow. The top part of the character is 雨,then it has a reverse E at the bottom.

Words with

xiàxuě to snow
xuěbái snow white
xuěshānsnow mountain

Here is the video

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